Our Damascus Road experience

By Dave Henning / July 25, 2012

Past Steve Mays presents key principles to overcoming depression in Chapter 3 of Overcoming.  The first key is that God gives us a new start, just as He gave St. Paul on the Damascus Road.

The author explains: “What is so exciting for me is that God has a marvelous plan for each of us as well.  But there must be a Damascus Road experience in each of our lives.  God must meet us and break our will; it’s the place where God challenges us to go deeper into life in His Spirit.  It is that road where God speaks so clearly and profoundly that nothing in this world will be able to call us away or distract us from the love of God.”

While we certainly have not gone from persecutor to proponent of the faith like Paul, nevertheless our ministry downsizing or position loss  has created a profound sense of loss and direction.  We need to trust and affirm that God has a marvelous plan for us as well.  In my case, had the Lord not intervened, I would have been comfortable teaching until retirement.  However, stepping out of the boat in faith took Crown of Compassion Ministries from thought to fruition, with Jesus leading the way.  Similarly, the Lord has His own unique plan for you in revisioning your ministry.

About the author

Dave Henning

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