Getting rid of your boat

By Dave Henning / August 5, 2012

In the conclusion to Part 4 of The Necessity of an Enemy, Ron Carpenter Jr. bases his comments on Matthew’s account of Jesus calling the first disciples (Matthew 4: 18-22).  Noting that Peter began his career as a boat fisherman before he met Jesus, Pastor Carpenter compares the image of a boat to comfortable, even complacent areas of our life:

“That boat represents, for many of us, a comfortable way of doing things, an old habit, an addiction, a crutch, a ‘sure thing’, or a safety net if all else fails.  We step out in faith, but we keep the boat around just in case.  We have a Plan B, and the entire time God is asking us to get rid of our Plan B and make Him our only plan.”

Although internal enemies can take us out and subvert God’s purpose for our life, Ron reminds us that we have the power of the Holy Spirit inside us.

1 John 4:4- “He who is in you is greater that he who is in the world.”

About the author

Dave Henning

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