Our ultimate security system

By Dave Henning / September 7, 2012

In Chapter 5 of Fear Not Tomorrow, author Ruth Graham notes that we become “acutely aware” of God’s power when we’re in the midst of an adverse situation that we’re powerless to control.  In times of relative peace and prosperity our reliance on God’s power may be obscured.  When we feel in control of our lives, our sense of security is focused on ourselves.  Ultimately, Ruth reminds us, God is in control and we are dependent on God in all circumstances.

But trusting God, especially in transitional times, is not easy and may be a daily battle.  Yet, Ruth asserts, it is precisely in the midst of our devastation that God enters with resurrection power:

“Trusting God can be a struggle.  It can be a minute-by-minute renewal of our decision.  Still, we must learn to surrender- to believe that God in His power and authority can handle our situation.  God’s perspective is eternal.  His purpose in our lives is not limited by time, space, or circumstances.”

Instead of worrying about what we can do to control our situation, as we surrender to God we learn to seek God’s will and purpose in our adversity.


About the author

Dave Henning

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