I’ve got the joy, joy, joy . . .?

By Dave Henning / September 13, 2012

Ruth Graham weighs in on the topic of “The Freedom of Forgiveness” in Chapter 9 of Fear Not Tomorrow.  Forgiveness, or the lack thereof, is a critical issue to be dealt with in the aftermath of a ministry downsizing or position loss.  While Ruth’s topic specifically  is discussed in the context of one’s personal sins, it equally is applicable to unforgiveness harbored toward those responsible for our ministry loss.  Indeed, addressing the need to forgive those who hurt us is a significant step to take on the journey toward healing and ministry revitalization.  Yet, the process will be incomplete until we acknowledge our own sinful responses.

When we are unable to forgive others or receive God’s forgiveness for our sins, joy is absent from our lives.  But, as Ruth explains, joy is a blessing of our life in Christ:

“God has given all of us a great capacity for joy.  Life is full of opportunities for delight and pleasure, and God wants us to experience them- to listen to the birds (a personal favorite), to watch the sunsets, to revel in life’s unexpected gifts, to enjoy other people, to delight in the laughter of children.”


About the author

Dave Henning

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