(God the) Father Knows Best

By Dave Henning / October 11, 2012

In August of 2011 I was diagnosed with early Stage 1 prostate cancer following a biopsy.  Not particularly pleased with my (now ex-) urologist’s bedside manner or his pessimistic outlook should I decline treatment, I sought a 2nd opinion from my current urologist, Dr. Brian Butler.  Based on my medical records, he stated my condition would not change appreciably in the next 6 months, so my wife Vicki and I utilized that time to explore all treatment options.  I also instituted major wellness changes to my largely vegetarian diet- flax seed 3 times daily, juicing, organic fruits and vegetables, plant sterols.

By February of 2012 we had selected a course of treatment- a regimen of low-dose radiation popularly known as the Cyber-Knife.  Since my health insurer required preapproval, the necessary supporting data was submitted.  The insurer responded 3 weeks later- the procedure was deemed experimental and wouldn’t be covered.  An appeal was authorized- rejected again!  Although there was great initial anger, Vicki and I ultimately affirmed that God must have something better in mind.

Fast forward to October 2, 2012.  To get more current data on my prostate cancer, Dr. Butler performs a saturation biopsy, a more thorough procedure.  Eight days later he called with the results- all 24 samples were benign!  Praise God that no treatment had been done or would need to be!

As Vicki and I reflect on the ramifications of humanly pursuing or implementing aggressive treatment options, we can only marvel at God’s goodness and perfect timing.  Words cannot begin to describe our gratitude for His wisdom.


About the author

Dave Henning

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