God’s presence in our darkness

By Dave Henning / December 22, 2012

Pastor Bill Hybels continues Chapter 6 of The Power of a Whisper by discussing 3 truths about God that he has learned through his dark nights of the soul:

Truth #1- God is near.  When Bill’s son Todd was a young boy, he had the habit of leaving his blanket (a nocturnal necessity) on the opposite end of their ranch-style house from the bedrooms.  On one such evening, Todd awakened his dozing father so that dad would get his blanket.  Ultimately, although Todd ventured half-way down the dark hallway, he couldn’t go it alone.  When Bill asked Todd if he was scared, Todd answered: “No, Dad.  I just want you to walk with me.”  God walks with us so we don’t have to face our darkness alone.

Truth #2- God actively seeks us out.  Pastor Hybels states: “God is near.  But his presence is not passive.  He seeks us out so that he can encourage us to keep going, to move ahead, to live.”

Truth #3- God speaks words of comfort, insight and peace.  Bill testifies that whenever he’s been at his lowest, God has whispered timely words that brought dawn to a very dark night.  The author cites the words of Mother Teresa as a model of how we should respond while waiting for God’s whispers: “Even though I don’t feel his presence, I will seek to love him as he has never been loved.”

Psalm 34:18- “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”


About the author

Dave Henning

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