In the Epilogue (“The Journey Home”) of The Attentive Life, author Leighton Ford notes that time is redeemed when our memory of the past and desire for the future are united by love in the present. Our attempts to clutch what passes as well as trying to achieve what is beyond our grasp are in vain unless, the author adds, we live in the present, attentive to God’s presence and His constant, unconquerable love.
Throughout our lifetime many voices compete for our attention, Yet, as Mr. Ford poignantly ends this book, Jesus’ love relentlessly seeks us as it penetrates the cacophony of those many voices:
” . . . love is seeking us, the only love that redeems time, that takes the fragments of what is past and the hope of what is coming and binds them together in the love of God ‘which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.’ That love is reaching out even now, calling us to our heart’s true home.
Today’s question: What insights has The Attentive Life given you regarding entering into and remaining in God’s presence? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Time to disengage?”- the new Short Meditation