Advocate vs. Accuser

By Dave Henning / May 6, 2014

“We will be confident when we stand before the Lord, even if our hearts condemn us.  For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.”- 1 John 3:19-20 (New Living Translation)

” . . . we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”- 1 John 2:1

As Max Lucado concludes Chapter 2 of Grace, he contrasts God’s guilt with Satan’s guilt:

“God’s guilt brings enough regret to change us.  Satan’s guilt, on the other hand, brings enough regret to enslave us.”

Pastor Lucado notes that in Chinese the word for righteousness is a combination of two characters- a lamb covering a person.  That is what God sees when He looks down at us- the perfect Lamb of God covering us.  Our choice is crucial, to trust our Advocate or our Accuser.

In Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, just-released prisoner Jean Valjean stops by the home of Monseigneur Myriel, a seventy-five-year-old bishop.  The bishop only has a few valuables in his possession: some silverware, a soup ladle, and two candlesticks.  When the bishop falls asleep after their meal, Jean can’t resist the temptation to steal the bishop’s silverware.

Caught by the police, Jean is marched back to the bishop’s house.  But before the police can explain the crime, the bishop tells Jean that he can’t believe Jean forgot to take the candlesticks with the silverware the bishop gave him.  In the end, Jean chooses to believe the priest more than his past.

Today’s question (from Max Lucado): What message do people receive when they observe your life?  In order for God’s grace to be the central message of your life, does something need to be adjusted, dismissed, or forgiven?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Take it personally”

About the author

Dave Henning

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