A place of stillness

By Dave Henning / July 6, 2014

“Blessed is he whose help is in the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God.”- Psalm 146:5

Today Mary DeMuth concludes Chapter 10 of The Wall Around Your Heart with the final three temptations to avoid.

3.  The temptation to defend ourselves.  Mary states that when she’s been wronged she’s lived for micromanaging her reputation, forgetting that God’s in control.  Self-defense tends to make one look oddly guilty.  It also expends energy that should be used for Jesus and His kingdom.  There’s beauty in silence, as A. B. Simpson explains:

“There is a place of stillness that allows God the opportunity to work for us and give us peace.  It is a stillness that ceases our scheming, self-vindication, and the search for a temporary means to an end through our own wisdom and judgment.  Instead, it lets God provide an answer, through His unfailing and faithful love, to the cruel blow we have suffered.”

4.  The temptation to give up.  When we’re hurt we’re tempted to stop trying, lick our wounds, and throw in the towel.  Mary emphasizes that anything worth doing in the kingdom is hard work.  Satan would like nothing better than to thwart our work, especially via the discouragement of other Christians.

5.  The temptation to misplace our trust.  We must consistently reorient ourselves to the truth that ultimately people cannot satisfy us.  Mature believers, Mary states, “ask for God’s will to be done, for Him to take divine note of our situation and act on our behalf for the sake of His name, not ours.”

Today’s question: Of the five temptations Mary discussed, which are most likely to ensnare you?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “The heartwall come tumblin’ down”

About the author

Dave Henning

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