Grace or condemnation

By Dave Henning / July 18, 2014

Pastor Tullian Tchividjian (One Way Love) follows his discussion of The Parable of Two Sons with a tale of two very different lunches he had with concerned family friends, one before and one after he had been kicked out of the house at age sixteen.

The first family friend read Tullian the riot act.  However, Tullian quickly figured out where the guy was headed and tuned him out.  The voice of the law was little more than white noise.  While the man’s condemnation was entirely justified and accurately described Tullian’s condition at that moment, his words fell short, as the author describes:

“But that’s the curious thing about the law and judgment in general: it can tell us who we are, it can tell us the right thing to do, but it cannot inspire us to do that thing or be that person.”

The second experience happened over a year later.  Although Tullian expected more of the same, this family friend breathed grace, telling Tullian he always would be there for him.  They remain friends to this day.  Grace became more than a theory, as Tullian notes:

” . . . it is inside this pressing context that one-way love becomes more than a theory, more than an idea, more than something that churchy people talk about on Sunday.  It is there that one-way love becomes that which breathes life and relief into our weary, scared bones.”

Today’s question: What opportunities have you had to extend amazing grace to others following your vocation loss?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Rebellion vs. conformity”

About the author

Dave Henning

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