A bundle of paradoxes

By Dave Henning / August 9, 2014

“The Gospel is not a command to hang on to Jesus.  It’s a promise that no matter how weak your faith and how unsuccessful your efforts may be, God is always holding on to you.”- Tullian Tchividjian

In Chapter 10 (“The End of To-Do Lists”) of One Way Love, author Tullian Tchividjian notes the paradoxical nature of life.  When we feel proud of our improvement, it’s almost always a sure sign we’ve gotten worse.  On the other hand, acknowledging that we’ve gotten worse most likely is an indication that we actually are getting better.

Author Brennan Manning wrote about being a bundle of paradoxes in his classic treatise on grace, The Ragamuffin Gospel:

“When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes.  I believe and I doubt, I hope and I get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty, I am trusting and suspicious, I am honest and I still play games.”

Pastor Tchividjian astutely observes that life isn’t what we thought it would be when we were younger- and we’re not what we though we would be as we’ve gotten older.  Yet, the smaller we get and the smaller life makes us, it’s easier to see the grandeur of God and His Gospel.  Tullian concludes:

“While I am far more incapable than I may have initially thought, God is infinitely more capable than I ever hoped.”

Today’s question: How would you apply Tullian’s last statement to your current situation following your vocation loss?  Please share.

Coming Monday: the latest addition to Crown’s Annotated Bibliography, One Way Love

Tomorrow’s blog: “On a mission for God”

About the author

Dave Henning

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