Come just as you are

By Dave Henning / October 11, 2014

Charles and Janet Morris continue their discussion of prayer in Chapter 11 of Missing Jesus by stating that Jesus not only promises to handle our problems, He also delivers us out of our small world of immediate concerns and brings us to a more expansive realm.  Our dark anti-gospel thoughts are brought into the light of reality.

This won’t happen, the authors assert, unless we are intentional in taking time to meet with Jesus.  Octavius Winslow (Evening Thoughts, 2003) exhorts us to go to the Lord when we’re at out lowest, not to wait until we’re spiritually right.  Come just as you are:

‘ . . . go to the Lord in your worst frames; do not stay away from Him until you get in a good one.  Satan’s grand argument to keep a soul from prayer is, ‘Don’t go with that cold and insensible frame, and with that hard and sinful heart; wait until you are more fit to approach God’ . . .  Christ says, ‘Come just as you are.’ ”

While we may need to struggle and wait for God’s answer, we have the assurance that He will listen.  When God helps us with little things, like finding lost car keys, that reinforces the truth that He is fully present and attentive to everything that’s going on in our lives.  Jesus wants us to come to Him for what we don’t have in ourselves.

Today’s question: How has Jesus revealed His presence during your desert, transformational journey?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “At the foot of the cross”


About the author

Dave Henning

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