Six Common Idols

By Dave Henning / May 14, 2015

Charles Stanley continues Chapter 3 of Waiting on God by identifying and describing six common idols, or subtle strongholds, that we often hold too tightly.  The first two common idols are discussed today.

1.  Our own understanding.  When adversity comes, we often don’t understand what is going on or why God allowed it to happen in the first place.  Certain puzzle pieces are missing.  Yet, we repeatedly analyze our situation from every conceivable angle because our finite minds cannot fully comprehend what is happening.

Our incessant scrutinizing only leaves us discouraged, disillusioned, and even more insecure.  This, however, is no reason to reject our Lord.  Rather, it’s a reason to depend on Him all the more and be intentional in seeking His good purposes.  We do not and cannot know all the details of our adversity.  But the Father does.

2.  A sense of security.  Dr. Stanley emphasizes that we don’t like losing control or trusting our future to One we cannot see.  We’d rather have a steady source of income and predictable results- that is, tangible security.  Dr. Stanley acknowledges that having goals is a good thing provided we’re seeking the Lord’s guidance.  Often, though, we’re seeking to create security through our own efforts instead of depending on God.

Today’s question: Prior to your vocation loss, how much did your career define you?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Goals, dreams, and relationships”

About the author

Dave Henning


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