“Give thanks in all circumstances. for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”- 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Charles Stanley concludes Chapter 6 of Waiting on God with the final principle for persevering through dark times-courageous praise. On the basis of our relationship with Christ, we express our thankfulness to Him regardless of our circumstances.
Dr. Stanley readily observes that it seems absolutely counterintuitive to praise God when “the stresses overwhelm you, your dreams are shattered, all seems lost, and you struggle just out get out of bed in the morning.” Yet, without exception, Scripture admonishes us to praise God in every situation, for only praising God will minister to our spirit and lift our heart. Our perspective changes. We actively look for God’s help and deliverance rather than ruminating over the negative aspects of our life.
Especially during our darkest moments, giving thanks to God enables us to keep our focus on Him rather than dwelling on our circumstances. As we find more and more areas of gratefulness, before we realize it we will be thanking the Father for the trial itself. The greater the hurt we experience, the closer we draw to Him, as Dr. Stanley explains:
“You can express your gratefulness that He is teaching you to think as He thinks; love in the unconditional matter He loves; and forgive freely the way He forgives you. Because when you do, it honors the Lord greatly, refreshes your spirit, and helps you endure courageously and victoriously.”
Today’s question: What has most helped you to endure your vocation loss with courageous praise? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Soar on wings like eagles”