Just a whole lot of small

By Dave Henning / September 20, 2015

“Many doors that look large to us are small to God, and many doors that look small to us are very large to him.”- John Ortberg

Today John Ortberg concludes his discussion of four reasons why some doors remain closed to us (Chapter 9, All the Places to Go)

4.  Doors remain closed because God has plans I don’t know.  Pastor Ortberg notes the door to a quiet life of scholarship and teaching was closed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  Instead, Dietrich would labor in an underground seminary and a concentration camp, ultimately sacrificing his life.  Dietrich could not possibly have known that he’d leave a legacy that continues to touch the world.

In “Think Small When You Dream Big,” Jennifer Dean writes there words of encouragement:

“No such thing as big.  Everything we call ‘big’ is just a whole lot of small.

Small upon small upon small, finally equals big.  There is no big without lots and lots of small.

Nature, as God created it, is the image of the invisible Kingdom of Heaven. . . . In Kingdom living, small matters.  Small is the key to big.”

John builds on this by exhorting us to live as though our smallest acts of goodness resulting from our acceptance of God’s open doors will, through God’s grace, count for all eternity.

Today’s question: Following your vocation loss, what”whole lot of small” have you done for the Kingdom of God?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: the new Short Meditation, “Come to the well”



About the author

Dave Henning

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