
An inside job

In Chapter 1 of The End of Me, Kyle Idleman initiates his discussion of the Sermon on the Mount.  Pastor Idleman states Jesus begins to introduce us to the great paradox of God’s kingdom: “at the end of me, I find real life in him.”

The new kingdom, Kyle adds, has new rules.  Many of those new rules are a reversal of the old ways.  In fact, some New Testament scholars call the Sermon on the Mount the “Great Reversal.”  Pastor Idleman explains that Jesus is looking beyond superficial surface change:

“Jesus doesn’t want to talk about tangible rules or laws. . . . Nothing about the Romans here.  All that is on the surface of life, and Jesus wants to go a little deeper to what’s inside us- what make the surface the way it is.  The kingdom of God begins as an inside job.”

When Jesus says the poor in spirit are blessed (Matthew 3:5), the primary emphasis is not money- although the word Jesus uses for “poor” translates to “destitute” or “bankrupt.”  And it’s human nature to think a blessed life is defined by plenty of money, not poverty.

Jesus reverses such thinking here.  God’s kingdom begins in you when you come to the end of Me and you have nothing to offer.  Kyle concludes:

“Jesus says the kingdom begins with taking inventory and coming up with zero.  We have nothing to offer, and that means we’re making progress.”

Today’s question: What deeper, inside changes have occurred following your vocation loss?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Beautifully broken”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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