Walk circles around Jericho

By Dave Henning / December 30, 2015

Max Lucado begins Chapter 8 (“Walk Circles Around Jericho”) of Glory Days with a recap of some Jericho facts.  The immense and impenetrable walls consisted of two concentric circles rising a total of forty feet above the ground.  Jericho’s inhabitants were ferocious and barbaric.  God, not Joshua, was responsible for bringing down those walls.  Pastor Lucado reminds us God will do that for us as well.  Max goes on to define our Jericho:

“Your Jericho is your fear.  Your Jericho is your anger, bitterness, or prejudice.  Your insecurity about the future.  Your guilt about the past.  Your negativity, anxiety, and proclivity to criticize, overanalyze, or compartmentalize.  Your Jericho is any attitude or mind-set that keeps you from joy, peace, or rest.”

Jericho is the barrier between you and your Glory Days.  Jericho is big, evil, and blocks your way.  In order to live in the Promised Land, your Jericho must be faced.  This is not always an easy process, for every level of inheritance reached necessitates a disinheritance from Satan.  Before the saint can move in, Satan must be moved out.

The devil will fight, resist, and push back.  But Jesus already has won the victory for us.  As Max notes, the question is not, will you overcome.  The question is when you will overcome.

Today’s question: What Jericho-like strongholds has Satan erected in your territory?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Pulling down strongholds”

About the author

Dave Henning

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