No falling words

By Dave Henning / January 13, 2016

“No Falling Words” is the title of Chapter 15 of Glory Days.  Max Lucado states the theological heart of Joshua is: God keeps His word!  In Joshua 21:45 we read: “Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel.  All came to pass.”

Yet, we live in a world of falling words- broken promises, empty vows, retracted pledges.  Words, however, then to tumble.  Max describes such words as “autumn leaves in November’s wind.”  Promised Land people believe God’s promises and choose faith, as Pastor Lucado explains:

“And Promised Land people risk the choice.  When forced to stand at the crossroads of belief and unbelief, they choose belief.  They place one determined step after the other on a pathway of faith.  Seldom with a skip, usually with a limp.  They make a conscious decision to step toward God, to lean into hope, to heed the call of heaven.  They press into the promises of God.”

When fears surface or when doubts arise, Max encourages you to press into God’s promises and respond with this thought: But God said . . . .  As God’s promises settle over you, you will choose the path of peace even though everything around you tempts you to panic.  Take hold of God’s promises.  They are no falling words.

Today’s question: How can you prepare yourself to stand firm and choose faith when hard times inevitably come?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “God fights for you”

About the author

Dave Henning

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