
Breaking the faith barrier

“Breaking the faith barrier in the spiritual realm is much like breaking the sound barrier in the physical realm.”- Mark Batterson

In Chapter 14 (“The Speed of Prayer”) of The Circle Maker, Mark Batterson notes that, in the world of aviation,  the sound barrier once was considered unbreakable.  But on October 14, 1947, American pilot Chuck Yeager attempted the impossible.  As Chuck’s plane approached Mach 1, it began shaking violently.  The g-force blurred his vision and upset his stomach.  Just as it seemed like the plane would disintegrate, there was a loud sonic boom, followed by an eerie calm.  The shock waves buffeting the cabin turned into a sea of glass.  All was calm in front of the plane.  The sound barrier had been broken.

Pastor Batterson states that your doubts will nosedive your dreams and your disappointments will create drag- if you let them.  Mark describes what is necessary for you to experience a supernatural breakthrough:

“If you want to experience a supernatural breakthrough, you have to pray through.  But as you get closer to the breakthrough, it often feels like you’re about to lose control, about to fall apart.  That’s when you need to press in and pray through . . . if you pray through, God will come through and you’ll experience a supernatural breakthrough.”

Mark indicates that you are getting close to a breakthrough when you get to the point where you are more concerned with what God thinks than what people think.

Today’s question: What Scriptures have assisted you in breaking the faith barrier?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Life goals list”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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