A stock clerk with a goal

By Dave Henning / February 19, 2016

“Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I will give you a man who will make history.  Give me a man without a goal, and I will give you a stock clerk.”- J. C. Penney

Today, in Chapter 15 of The Circle Maker, Mark Batterson continues his discussion of ten steps to goal-setting with goal three through six.

3.  Think in categories.  Mark recommends looking at the life goal lists of others as a way of stimulating your own unique goals.  Mark also has found it helpful to think in categories, with each category having a spiritual dimension: family, influential, experiential, physical, and travel.

4.  Be specific.  In order for you to know whether you’ve accomplished a goal, it has to be measurable.  For example, losing weight is not a measurable goal.  However, losing a specific number of pounds by a specific date is a measurable goal.

5.  Write it down.  Mark has a saying he repeats often to his family and church staff: “The shortest pencil is longer than the longest memory.”  Verbalizing a goal is powerful.  Verbalizing a goal is more than a good idea.  Mark states it is a God-idea.  Writing down your goals holds you accountable and enables you to celebrate an answer to prayer because you’ve got a record of what you requested.

6.  Include others.  Mark observes that shared goals cement relationships: “Goals are relational glue.”  Going after a goal with another person doubles your joy.  When you go after a God-sized goal, you will draw closer to God.

Today’s question: What goals have you refined or re-created following your ministry downsizing or vocation loss?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “An ebenezer moment”

About the author

Dave Henning

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