“Truth is your most powerful weapon. Pick it up and use it.”- June Hunt
June Hunt concludes Chapter 12 of How to Forgive by discussing the final three letters of her acrostic (F-O-R-G-I-V-E-N) for dealing positively and effectively with guilt.
Verify truth when Satan accuses. Ms. Hunt states you can count on Satan accusing you. Accusation is Satan’s favorite weapon. You must counter Satan by taking hold of truth. Just as Jesus (in the desert) responded to Satan with the Word of God, you must respond with God’s Word whenever you are tempted to believe God’s forgiveness doesn’t apply to you.
Exchange your life for the life of Christ. We need to accept the truth that none of us have the strength to live the Christian life without Christ living in us (Galatians 2:20). June notes that your part is “to let go of your life in exchange for living in the power of His.”
Notice that God brings your feelings in line with the facts when you obey Him. June describes how perseverance pays off:
“Perseverance in spite of what you feel pays off. Forgiving others and forgiving yourself- even when you don’t feel like it- guarantees freedom.”
June informs us that the opal is prized for its array of colors inside a single stone. Yet, an opal is fragile. It easily can dry out and crack. Overall, an opal is considered weak.
Ms. Hunt observes that you feel fundamentally weak when you compromise your convictions. You may feel unworthy of love or unfit to embrace God’s grace. June explains how light shines brighter in darkness:
“As any jeweler knows, the opal[s beauty is best displayed when placed on a dark background. When you release your painful rocks to the Master Polisher, a black background will make you shine even brighter.”
Today’s question: Which letters of Ms. Hunt’s acrostic struck a chord with you? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Three inner needs”