
Condemnation versus conviction

Mark Batterson concludes Chapter 4 of If by discussing condemnation versus conviction.  Pastor Batterson finds it ironic that Satan leaves our unconfessed sins alone.  Satan would rather that you don’t deal with unconfessed sin at all.  His accusations pinpoint confessed sins.  Because confessed sins have been forgiven, Satan’s accusations are false.

Mark goes on to explain that hearing the voice of God is a package deal:

“Condemnation is feeling guilty over confessed sin.  Conviction is feeling guilty over unconfessed sins.  Conviction is healthy and holy, and it comes from the Holy Spirit.  It’s the way we get right with God and get on with our lives.  If you don’t listen to His convicting voice, you won’t hear His comforting voice, His wise voice, or His GPS voice either. . . . If you don’t listen to everything the Holy Spirit has to say, it’s difficult to hear anything He has to say.”

Pastor Batterson states that Satan’s voice of condemnation is enemy subterfuge intended to discourage and disorient us.  Satan wants us to remember what our heavenly Father has forgotten .  Mark suggests the following tactic:

“The next time the enemy reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.  His failure is as certain as your forgiveness.”

Just before Jesus took His final breath on the cross, He cried out “Tetelestai!”- in English, “It is finished.”  Pastor Batterson notes the same word also was written on receipts in New Testament times to indicate that a debt had been paid in full.

God’s grace is sufficient no matter how big or how bad the mistake.  That’s good news- and the gospel truth.

Today’s question: Where would you place yourself on the condemnation versus conviction continuum?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “God leans in”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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