A season of blocked doors

By Dave Henning / September 15, 2016

“During a season of blocked doors, we can grow frustrated.”- Max Lucado

In Chapter 8 (“The Right Doors Open”) of More to Your Story, Pastor Max Lucado tells of a problem with Molly, the Lucado’s nine-year- old golden retriever.  When Molly wants out of the house, she scratches the door.  As a result, marks decorate every door in the Lucado home.

Consequently, Max’s wife Denalyn came up with the ‘perfect’ solution: Molly doors.  So that Molly used one of the two designated doors, Denalyn blocked all other exits.  Unfortunately, Molly walked from blocked door to blocked door.  She failed to understand that a Molly door led to freedom.

Molly’s story illustrates a classic God’s story/our story contrast.  Our perspective sees setbacks.  God, however, sees opportunities.  Therefore, as Max explains, God closes wrong doors in order to lead us through the right one:

“As you discover your place in God’s story, closed doors take on a new meaning.  You no longer see them as interruptions of your plan but as indicators of God’s plan.”

For example, consider Paul and Silas’ response when they were thrown in prison in Philippi.  As Pastor Lucado observes, “their feet were in stocks, yet their minds were in heaven.”  Therefore, Paul and Silas sang hymns to God because they trusted God and aligned their story to His.

In conclusion, Pastor Lucado emphasizes that, although our plans may be good, God has better plans.  Blocked doors demonstrate proof of God’s love for us.

Today’s question: Following your ministry downsizing or vocation loss, what blocked doors served as indicators of God’s plan?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: All things work together for good

About the author

Dave Henning

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