More to Your Story

MoretoyourstoryMore to Your Story (Thomas Nelson, 2016)

Max Lucado originally published More to Your Story: Discover Your Place in God’s Plan in 2011 under the title God’s Story, Your Story.  In his Introduction, Pastor Lucado states that the great promise of the Bible and the hope of this book center around this statement: “Your story indwells God’s.”  Therefore, we cling to the Christmas hope that God indwells the everydayness of our world.  As John 1:14 indicates, Jesus pitched his tent in the neighborhood.

However, Max emphasizes, we can’t understand God’s narrative unless we understand Satan’s strategy.  Specifically, God uses Satan’s temptations to train, purify, and strengthen us.  Furthermore, God created you with a heavenly guidance system.  Although you don’t know what the future holds, you are not alone.  Jesus Christ invites you to open your eyes and lift up your gaze (emphasis author’s).  The voice of Jesus guides us home.  In addition, God’s story redeems our story.  Hence, our names are written in the Book of the Lamb with blood that cannot be removed.

Yet, when we battle adversity our convictions wrinkle, and our resolve melts.  Therefore, we need to be drenched in the Holy Spirit’s power.  As a result, the Holy Spirit indwells the hearts of God’s children.  Consequently, as God’s story becomes our story, we must be intentional in learning to wait, maintaining silence, cherishing stillness, and listening for the Spirit’s voice.  Thus, trust becomes the key to the Spirit-led life, not panic.

In conclusion, when panic serves as our default mode, we view closed doors as interruptions of our plan.  The truth- closed doors become indicators of God’s plan.  In addition, even though nothing may be wrong with your plans, God’s plans are better.  Trust God and align your plans to His. Finally, remember that God works in all things– not through a few things, good things, best things, or easy things.  God instilled, and continues to instill, within you all you need to fulfill His plan in your life.  Always see you challenge in the scope of God’s story.  Ultimately, Max states, “we shall graduate from this version of life into his likeness.”

About the author

Dave Henning

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