“Criticize by creating.”- attributed to Michelangelo
Mark Batterson concludes Chapter 2 of Chase the Lion by talking about the day the prophet Samuel showed up on David’s doorstep. As usual, David was tending the sheep, as he did day in and day out. Yet, David’s earthly father failed to foresee David’s promise. He saw nothing more, or less, than a shepherd boy.
Samuel, however, noticed something else, something more. Samuel perceived the potential in David that David failed to see in himself. Like Samuel with David, Mark observes, we need people to help us discover our unique talents and gifts:
“You never know when or where or how destiny will knock on your door, but it rarely has a scheduled appointment. More often than not, you don’t discover your dream. Your dream discovers you when you are faithfully tending sheep”
Dreamers with God-sized dreams draw people to them. His-story intricately interweaves our dreams across time and space. Dreams dreamed before you make your dreams possible. In turn, future generations feel the domino effect of your dreams.
As a result, Pastor Batterson states, the generation of dreamers that your dream inspires becomes your greatest legacy. This defines the dream within a dream. Also, small acts of kindness endow your legacy.
Finally, Mark cautions that, rather than complain about the current culture, we need to create it. Criticism wastes energy, stealing it from creativity. Instead of carping about what’s wrong, do something to create change.
As the author concludes, the story God writes through your life becomes someone else’s subplot.
Today’s question: Following your vocation loss, what inspires you to criticize by creating? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Inciting incident (aka defining moment)”