Liniments around the wounded heart

By Dave Henning / November 14, 2016

“The same hand that unwraps the firmaments of winging stars wraps liniments around the wounded heart; the One whose breath births galaxies into being births healing into the heart of the broken.”- Ann Voskamp

“Maybe the love gets in easier right where the heart’s broke open.”- Shalom Voskamp

As Ann Voskamp concludes Chapter 1 of The Broken Way, she cites John 9:3 (the man born blind).  Ann states that questioning the why of brokenness misses the point:

“There’s brokenness that’s not about blame.  There’s brokenness that makes a canvas for God’s light. . . . windows straight into souls.  Brokenness happens in a soul so the power of God can happen in a soul.”

Yet, God’s grace brings healing to brokenness, facilitating the release of God’s power.  Therefore, as Ann describes, grace:

  • buries the fear that your faith isn’t big enough and your faults too many
  • washes your dirty wounds and wounds Satan’s lies
  • embraces you before you prove anything- and after you’ve done everything wrong
  • holds you when everything breaks down and falls apart
  • whispers that everything somehow is breaking free and falling together

In other words, you live with your own broken heart by affirming that only the wounds of God can heal your wounds.  Hence, Ann dares to discover a brokenhearted way to abundance.

In conclusion, Ann offers words of encouragement for the greatly wounded:

“God does great things through the greatly wounded.  God sees the broken as the best and sees the best in the broken and He calls the wounded to be world changers.”

Today’s question: What liniments has God wrapped around your wounded heart?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Pain demands to be felt”

About the author

Dave Henning

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