The thread of your life

By Dave Henning / December 21, 2016

“The thread of your life becomes a tapestry of abundant colors only if it ties itself to other lives. . . . let threads of your life break away to let Christ, who is in us, weave around other threads.”- Ann Voskamp

Ann Voskamp continues Chapter 15 of The Broken Way by noting that the brokenness in the world consists of the brokenness in our own busted hearts.  For all our masks and pearly smiles, Ann adds, we’re the ones outside the gate begging for someone to rescue us.

Therefore, Ann wonders, how many opportunities have we missed to see Christ in others?  Ann shares her thoughts:

“You miss Him when you question who’s needy enough to give to, who warrants the risk. . . you get to decide.  Are you going to fill your life with more stuff, more safety, or more God?  What the world says is weak and small may be where Christ is offering Himself to you most of all. . . . You miss Jesus when you aren’t looking for Him in His two disguises: the smallest and the servant.”

Henri Nouwen once stated the mystery of ministry is that we find the Lord where we minister.  As a result, we meet the Lord through our care of people.  Compassion forms the basis for our complete vocation.  Compassion’s not a sideline hobby of the Christian, a nice gesture, or a token concern.

Our calling involves risking everything for the oppressed- those over there on the other side of the gate.  Furthermore, showing compassion to the stranger incapable of repaying you ensures that your only repayment is the abundance of God.

Today’s question:  How have you woven the thread of your life in ministry to others?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Downward mobility”

About the author

Dave Henning

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