The biblical concept of holiness

By Dave Henning / February 3, 2017

“The biblical concept of holiness carries with it a sense of belonging to God.”- Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth

As Nancy continues Chapter 1 of Holiness, she notes that Scripture presents two related, but distinct, facts regarding the beauty of holiness.

1.  Set apart.  The author states the word holy comes from a root meaning “to cut, to separate.”  In addition, throughout Scripture God set apart certain things, places, and people for Himself.  In addition, He consecrated them for His use.

In the Old Testament, the Israelites not only were set apart by God- they also were set apart for God.  Moving on to the New Testament, God set apart a new body comprising both Jews and Gentiles.  Specifically, the Greek term ekklesia means “a called-out assembly.”

Like Nancy, we’ve all objected to family practices and limitations.  We complain, “But everybody else . . . !”  Yet, as Nancy’s parents reminded her, you don’t belong to ‘everybody else,’ you belong to god.

Rather than a punishment, “set apart” is a call to:

  • belong, to be cherished, and to enter into an intimate love relationship with  God Himself
  • fit into the grand, eternal plan of our redeeming God for this universe
  • experience the exquisite joys and purposes for which God created us
  • freedom from all that destroys our true happiness

2.  Morally clean.  This second facet of holiness means purity, cleanliness, and freedom from sin.  In other words, to reflect the moral character of a holy God.  Thus, for those who belong to a holy God, holiness is not an option.

As the author exhorts, Jesus and the New Testament authors call us to a life of absolute purity.  Also, Nancy adds, “grace gives us the desire and power to be holy.”

Today’s question: How do you witness the biblical concept of holiness in your life?  Please share.

Coming Monday: the new Short Meditation, “You watch over me”

Tomorrow’s blog: My daily conduct”

About the author

Dave Henning

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