So walk on, child of God – God is with you

By Dave Henning / August 9, 2017

“So walk on, child of God.  You shall not go down, you shall not be defeated, . . . God is with you.  So walk on.  He brings you through the water, through the river and through the fire because He has a greater purpose for you on the other side.”- Kenneth Ulmer, Knowing God’s Voice

In Chapter 12 (“Dare to Dream”), the final chapter of Your Powerful Prayers, Susie Larson tackles the subject of persevering prayer.  She describes the courage needed to persevere in prayer:

“Persevering prayer is not for the faint of heart.  It’s far easier to give up than it is to go forward.  It’s much easier to complain that it is to contend.  Griping about our circumstances is natural.  Grabbing hold of promises that defy our circumstances?  Well, that’s gritty and supernatural (emphasis Susie’s).”

Although we’re saved by grace, Jesus invites us, Susie observes, to become “spiritually agile and prayerfully powerful.”  This process transforms us and changes the world.  But, the process always calls for perseverance.  So, Ms. Larson asks, are you willing to:

  • go the distance and access everything God’s made available to you?
  • throw off everything that slows you down and run this race to win?

In the daily grind, it’s truly grueling to walk out this process.  That’s why, Susie contends, so few persevere in this ferocious faith journey.  Yet, our miracle-working God uses every circumstance, hardship, and divine connection to remind us that He’s God, He loves us, and intends to make us more like Him.

In conclusion, Ms. Larson exhorts, Jesus calls us “to the sacred race that requires an active prayer live, thick skin, a tender heart, a love for the unlovely, and a willingness to persevere.”

Today’s question: What Bible verses enable you to walk on as a child of God?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: the annotated bibliography of Your Powerful Prayers

About the author

Dave Henning

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