“Jesus requires total dependence on him for our every need. It is that dependence that creates a spiritual environment for power and miracles. . . . It is not enough to teach people or be taught; they must also be engaged in battle.”- Os Hillman
Os Hillman concludes Chapter 5 of The Joseph Calling as he notes the symbolic nature of crossing the Jordan River. Crossing the Jordan exemplifies a form of baptism for the Joseph leader- a baptism in the mud of God. Next, God uses Joseph leaders to lead others into the Promised Land. Mr. Hillman explains:
“God takes us through the valley of weeping so we can drink of the springs that make spiritual deposits in us and refresh us from one spiritual journey to the next. These deposits become our anointing to free others form slavery and to bring heaven to earth.”
As a result, Os underscores, we must understand the trigger sounding the trumpet to our assignments from God. And regardless of our financial means, we need to respond. Because when Jesus calls us to an assignment, He provides the resources. Thus, when people witness God’s power manifested in our midst, God uses that to invite others in.
Furthermore, Mr. Hillman believes that each of our calls must include a prophetic dimension. This signifies our awareness of the events that became our trumpet call. In turn, our trumpet call invites us into the larger story where God releases His power in our lives.
As the apostle Paul wrote, we must be more than just a club of Christians:
” And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”- 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (NKJV)
Today’s question: How has Jesus instilled total dependence in you? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “God’s goal for our lives – Christlikeness”