“God will not permit any troubles to come upon us, unless He has a specific plan by which great blessing can come out of the difficulty.”- Peter Marshall
Os Hillman applies the Joseph calling to the larger stories of Jacob, Moses, and Paul, respectively, in Chapters 14-16 of The Joseph Calling. Next, in Chapter 17 (“Experiencing Your Larger Story”), Os reminds us how those six stages usher you into the larger story of your life. Hence, Os defines that larger story as ” a life . . . filled with the activity of God and the manifest presence of his life being lived through you.”
In 1990, the author notes, Henry Blockaby developed a popular Bible study series titled Experiencing God. The very first principle established that God’s always at work around us. Thus, our responsibility involves joining in what God’s already doing. Os explains:
“We are not to think up things to do for God; we are to join him in what he wants to do and what he is already doing on earth today.”
Furthermore, Mr. Hillman observes, one kingdom principle requires faithfulness in small areas before God entrusts us with larger ones. In the process God causes fruit to be born from our obedience. Not from our sweat and toil.
In conclusion, Os offers these words of hope:
“I want to encourage you to be more aware of where God is working around you. Ask God to give you more opportunities to share his love with those with whom you come in contact. One of the easiest ways to minister to people is to ask to pray for them when you hear of a need they have in their life.”
Today’s question: What great blessing do you see rising out of your difficulty? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “What God calls us to – simply be His friend”