
Christian discipleship – following Jesus wherever He goes, and more!

“Christian discipleship . . . means following Jesus wherever He goes.  It means lashing ourselves to him like a sailor in a storm tossed boat might lash himself to the mast.”- Jared C. Wilson

In his introduction to The Imperfect Disciple: Grace for People Who Can’t Get Their Act Together, Jared Wilson asks what comes to mind when you hear the word discipleship.  When Jared pastored a church in Vermont and asked that question, typically he received one of two responses:

  1. people played word-association (difficult, trusting, adventurous, obedient, etc.)
  2. someone quickly offered the “right answer”, at least in a church context: “Discipleship means following Jesus.”

However, Jared contends, the word discipleship connotes much more.  Thus, the author would love to hear people answer more along these lines:

  • “Believing God has a plan for me even when I’m afraid he doesn’t.”
  • “Trusting that God is doing something for my good even though my life has always been terrible up to now.”
  • “Following Jesus even though my feeling speak more loudly.”
  • “Imagining a time when I won’t hurt as much as I do now.”

Furthermore, Jared asserts, for those who struggle their whole lives to get their act together, a discipleship built around getting your act together eventually makes you about want to give up.

As a result, Jared wrote this book for people like himself – people who deem following Jesus totally worth it because Jesus is the end-all and be-all.  Yet, we often find that following Jesus takes us to some pretty difficult places.

So, the author asks, “for the sake of . . . the tired and the torn-up, the weary and the wounded — how about we demystify discipleship?”

Today’s question: How do you define Christian discipleship?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “The little squall stirred up in a snow globe”


About the author 

Dave Henning

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