
If we are faithless, he (Christ) remains faithful

“The saying is trustworthy, for: If we have died with him, we will also live with him, if we endure, we will also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us; if we are faithless, he remains faithful – for he cannot deny himself.”- 2 Timothy 2:11-13 (NIV)

“The MacDonald’s drive-through lane is where self-control goes to die.”- Jared C. Wilson

Jared Wilson concludes Chapter 7 of The Imperfect Disciple as he presents the last three of his Nine Irrefutable Laws of Followship.

7.  Be Ye Faithful.  Jared reminds us just how gracious and faithful a God we have.  He states:

“He is so gracious that even though our faith is imperfect and weird and wonky, he shores it up still and evermore with his perfect grace and perfect righteousness of his Son.”

8.  Be Ye Gentle.  Pastor Wilson offers the thought that, by God’s grace, often gentleness results as we get older as believers.  Furthermore, gentleness develops more as we simply slow down.  And in the process, we become more wise, circumspect, and thoughtful.

In addition, grace inextricably connects to restfulness.  Pastor Wilson explains:

“But the more we rest in our salvation, in the security of our position in him for all eternity, the more gentle we will become.  He is gentle with us.  And his gentleness is conferred to us, transferred to us, as we find him gentle in the face of our own stubbornness and failure to get our act together.”

9.  Be Ye Self-Controlled.  At its root, the fruit of self-control = Spirit-control.  In other words, the Holy Spirit leads, or governs, this control.

Like patience and gentleness, the Spirit cultivates self-control as we grow both in years and in Christ.  Consequently, we find the world less satisfying and, in the process, become more restrained with the world.

Today’s question: Describe how Christ remains faithful following your vocation loss.

Tomorrow’s blog: “The true self you keep hiding inside yourself”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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