God doesn’t need any more messiahs

By Dave Henning / October 10, 2017

“My availability to God’s call to sacrifice — Abraham’s availability to God’s call to sacrifice, your availability to God’s call to sacrifice — is predicated on the understanding that God doesn’t need any more messiahs.  He sent one.  The job is finished.  We are not needed.  I am not needed.  Ah, but I’m wanted (emphasis author’s).”- Jared C. Wilson

Jared Wilson concludes Chapter 8 of The Imperfect Disciple as he states that times of trouble bring out the real you.  In fact, Charles Spurgeon once said, “Trials teach us what we are; they dig up the soil, and let us see what we are made of.”

St. Paul used the image of clay jars (2 Corinthians 4:7).  Because we’re fragile, Jared asserts, our brokenness,  our “jars of clay”, reveals what we carry inside.   Hence, what we worship shows through.  However, Pastor Wilson exhorts, there’s good news.  Jared writes:

“The real you, the you inside that you hide, the you that you try to protect, the you that you hope nobody sees or knows – that’s the you that God loves.  No, he doesn’t love your sin, of course.  But he loves your true self.  Without pretense, without façade, without image management, without religious makeup.”

In conclusion, when the words of our accusers drown out the gospel, Jared encourages us to stare at the glory of God until we see it.  And when Satan comes with his wounding, haunting words, we stand behind our advocate – Christ the Lord.

The Bible’s full to brimming with good new for us.  And the Holy Spirit hammers the words into your heart.  Although words of fear and shame cut deep, Christ’s blood speaks a better word (Hebrews 12:24).

Today’s question: How do you respond to Jared’s statement that God doesn’t need any more messiahs?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Our dependence on God – all grace or no grace”

About the author

Dave Henning

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