The morning is for Him to hold – me

By Dave Henning / November 6, 2017

“But I’ve learned that the morning is for Him to hold – to hold me.”- Sara Hagerty

“My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning I will direct it to you, and I will look up.”- Psalm 5:3 (NKJV)

Sara Hagerty continues Chapter 8 of Unseen with the first two thoughts on growing toward friendship with God.

1.  Look at Him first thing.  Each day.  Ms. Hagerty confesses that, left unfettered, all the not-God voices first populate her morning thoughts.  Therefore, the author finds it freeing to admit how much she needs God.  Thus, this admission, first thing in the morning, functions as the pronouncement over her day.

As a result, we, like Sara, see Jesus entering into the still, small moments of our day.  Most importantly, we want Jesus there.  And not just because we need help.  Because we enjoy His presence.  In contrast, if we fail to anchor what we see and how we see it in biblical truth, the day shows it.  Furthermore, we wear it!

2.  Give yourself permission to start where you are and to start small.  Here Ms. Hagerty suggests starting with a string of tiny prayers.  Consequently, Sara explains the role of tiny prayers.  She writes:

“Tiny prayers assume more of God than they do of us.  They acknowledge that He is big enough to receive a small request and respond.  He starts where we are, and sometimes we need to start small. . . . And yet God always seems to respond with more than we even know how to ask for.  Through my tiny prayers, I noticed subtle growth, a new and fresh hunger for God.”

Today’s question:  How does God hold you in the morning?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Conversations with God – tethered”

About the author

Dave Henning

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