
God’s kingdom – the speed of a seed

“Everything happens at the speed of light.  But in God’s kingdom, things happen at the speed of a seed planted in the ground that has to take root before it can bear fruit.”- Mark Batterson

As Mark Batterson continues Chapter 10 of Whisper, he stresses that we give up too easily, too quickly.  Rather than keeping in step with the Holy Spirit, we often get ahead of God.  Or, we fall behind out of frustration.  Pastor Batterson explains:

“It’s not easy discerning His timing, and it’s even harder trusting it, especially when it feels as though God is a day late and a dollar short.  But if you’re questioning His timing, perhaps it’s your watch that needs to be adjusted.  You get in time with Him by getting in tune with His whisper.”

In addition, Mark underscores, in His wisdom our heavenly Father doesn’t always  give us our desires immediately.  He loves us too much to do that.  Therefore, Mark exhorts us not to settle for what’s expedient or second best.   Instead, “hold out for the best that God can give.  Then hold on.”

Using the story of Mordecai in Esther 6, Pastor Batterson offers three key observations about holding on for the best God gives:

  1. God doesn’t always reward good deeds on the spot.  While unnoticed good deeds often produce frustration, we must learn to trust God’s timeline.  However, Mark encourages, God will reward your faithfulness somehow, someway, sometime.  Certainly Mordecai felt God had forgotten that he saved the life of King Xerxes as he foiled an assassination plot.  But God remembered at just the right time, just in time.
  2. Insomnia is sometimes a sign that God wants to speak to us.  When you wake up at a strange hour for a strange reason, pray until you fall back asleep.  As the author quips, “it beats counting sheep.”
  3. God can accomplish more in one day than you can accomplish in a lifetime.

In conclusion, Mark observes, there’s a difference between coincidence and providence.  Yet, God loves to pull off the impossible against all odds.

Today’s question: What helps you  develop patience as thing happen in God’s kingdom at the speed of a seed?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog:  “Hear God’s voice more clearly”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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