I am creature, not Creator

By Dave Henning / July 22, 2018

“Because I am creature and not Creator, surrender is actually a better way to play the game.  For I am not Master of the Board.  Surrender opens me up to God’s blessing.”- John Ortberg

“Many are the plans in a human heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.”- Proverbs 19:21 (NIV)

In Chapter 6 (“Resign as Master of the Board”) of When the Game is Over, John Ortberg states the illusion of control constitutes one of the strongest myths.  Most noteworthy, author Ernest Becker calls control the vital lie.  Because our egos won’t survive without that illusion.  Mr. Becker explains:

“We don’t want to admit that we are fundamentally dishonest about reality, that we don not control our lives, that we always rely on something that transcends us.”

Furthermore, Pastor Ortberg notes, it often takes an external event we cannot control to puncture our Master of the Board delusion.  For when things go well, we’re most apt to swallow the delusion that we’re in control.

However, John underscores the reality of this world: you were born into Someone Else’s kingdom.  In addition, you didn’t choose the gift of life.  And, on your own, you cannot sustain that life.  Thus, when you resign as Master of the Board, you crown Jesus as Master and Lord of your life.

The Bible refers to this as surrender.  Hence, Pastor Ortberg stresses that surrender is:

  • not passivity or abdication
  • saying yes to God and life each day
  • accepting the gifts God’s given you
  • letting go of envy or desire for what’s He’s given someone else
  • letting go of outcomes that in reality you cannot accept anyway

Finally, author Arnold Heinrich (Discipleship) explains full surrender:

“A person may yield to a stronger person, or an army to a stronger army.  One may yield to God because He’s almighty.  None of this is full surrender.  Only if one experiences that God is good is it possible to surrender to him unconditionally one’s whole heart, soul, and being.”

Today’s question: What happens when you forget you’re creature, not Creator? Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Willpower only accomplishes so much”

About the author

Dave Henning

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