
The Enemy’s lies sow seeds of doubt

” . . . when we suffer, we are susceptible to the lies that the Enemy whispers in our ears. . . .  The function of all these lies is to sow seeds of doubt in our hearts when we feel the weakest, the most afraid, and are reaching out for help.  The Enemy is seeking to make us doubt the goodness, love, presence, and power of God.”- Paul David Tripp

As Paul David Tripp continues Chapter 6 of Suffering, he discusses the second not so healthy form of doubt.  That’s the doubt of judgment.  Also, Pastor Tripp explains, this form of doubt doesn’t result from wondering about what God is doing.  The author notes:

“This form of doubt is the result of concluding that, because of our circumstances, God is not good and therefore not worthy of our trust.  It’s to bring God into the court of our judgment and determine that he is unfaithful, unloving, and uncaring in some way.”

Because the surprise of situational distress produces deeply emotional questions, that leads people to deeply theological conclusion.  Therefore, the author suggests that we ask ourselves these questions:

  1. What has my suffering done to my theology?
  2. What has it done to the way I view God and His presence, His promises, and His power?
  3. Do I still believe God is the definition of what is loving, good, wise, and true?

As a result, it’s spiritual warfare to hold onto your childlike faith in God in the midst of life’s painful experiences.  And the Enemy’s core attack against you in your suffering centers on your heart.  Not your body, relationships, possessions, or circumstances.

In conclusion, Pastor Tripp observes, it’s almost impossible to suffer without doubt.  Yet, it’s vitally important to assess the kind of doubt that’s take up residence in your heart.

Today’s question: What Scriptures counter the Enemy as he sows seeds of doubt in your faith?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Best defense against a doubting heart”


About the author 

Dave Henning

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