“Reason will take you only as far as your mind can go, but no farther. And that isn’t far enough. Not if you truly love God. Only holy curiosity will get you where God wants you to go. And it’s a place way beyond reasonableness.”- Mark Batterson
“I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guard post. There I will wait to see what the LORD says.”- Habakkuk 2:1 (NLT)
As Mark Batterson concludes Chapter 7 of Primal, he observes that God ideas don’t result as the by-product of genius. Rather, God ideas occur as the by-product of love. Most noteworthy, Pastor Batterson states, the more you love God for who He is, the more God reveals to you.
The author of Life of Pi, Yann Martel, grew up an atheist. However, while writing his prize-winning novel, he came to believe in God. In addition, Martel made an interesting comment about the limits of reason. He said:
“Reason is very empowering. Our entire Western Democracies are a meticulous result of reason. But reason is just a tool. It doesn’t, in and of itself, give you a reason to use it. . . . I was sick to death of reasonableness.”
Furthermore, Mark Stresses, our ability to perceive things with our senses pales in comparison to our ability to imagine things with our mind. Yet, both our imagination and five senses fall far short of who God is and what He’s capable of doing.
Therefore, when we live down to the limits of our mind and senses, our soul shrinks to the size of our senses. Also, our mind shrinks to the size of our limited logic. It’s tempting to love a god our mind can measure and manage. However, at some point this approach fails to satisfy our holy curiosity.
Today’s question (from Mark): Do you have any God ideas that are being held captive by reasonableness? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “God ideas – like melting snowflakes”