
Standard of giving or standard of living?

” . . . the endgame is not getting but giving!  God doesn’t bless us to raise our standard of living.  God blesses us to raise our standard of giving.  In the words of Winston Churchill, ‘We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.’ “- Mark Batterson

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”- John 16:33 (NIV)

Mark Batterson concludes the Preface to Double Blessing as he stresses that God has blessings for us in categories we cannot fathom.  Consequently, we must get that truth in our gut to live the happy, holy, and healthy life.  Because God’s in the blessing business.

However, Pastor Batterson cautions, this doesn’t reflect a promise of health, wealth, and prosperity.  For God promises us something much better.  Furthermore, Mark observes, some of God’s greatest blessings come as blessings in disguise.

Above all, God’s blessing doesn’t provide immunity against pain and suffering.  As Jesus said in John 16:33, we’ll have trouble in this world.  But, Mark adds, we must not put a period where God puts a comma.  Because Jesus’ promise continues.  Jesus tells us to take heart because He’s overcome the world.  Thus, we need to read the whole promise, not just the first half.

In conclusion, Pastor Batterson states that the Hebrew word for blessing, barak, occurs 330 times in the Old Testament.  Also, the word barak means to bless the one who blesses you.  Mark goes on to explain:

“The blessing of God isn’t easy to quantify or qualify.  It is tangible and intangible, timely and timeless.  It is universally offered to everyone, but the blessing of God is as unique as your fingerprint. . . .  of this I’m certain: the blessing of God is the solution to your biggest problem, the answer to your boldest prayer, and the fulfillment of your bravest dream.”

Today’s question: Do you believe God blesses you to raise your standard of giving or living?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “A supplement to praying – God’s blessing”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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