Money issues equal heart issues

By Dave Henning / January 31, 2020

“Money issues are heart issues.  God does not need your money, I promise you that.  But He wants your heart, and He cannot have one without the other!”- Mark Batterson

“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where you treasure is, there your heart will be also.”- Matthew 6:20-21 (NIV)

In Chapter 9 (“The Law of Measures”) of Double Blessing, Mark Batterson exhorts you not to despise the day of small beginnings.  Because if you do little things and attach great importance to them, God often does big things like they’re little things.

However, Pastor Batterson stresses two things in regard to money issues:

  1. Let nothing distract you from the ultimate importance of the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.  For, Mark believes, in the grand scheme of things, money is immaterial.  It is, the author underscores, nothing more than a means to a greater end.  And that greater end?  To carry out our kingdom calling.
  2. Grow in the grace of giving.  The genesis of generosity – gratitude.  In addition, Mark asserts, God loves to bless those He knows will flip the blessing.  Also, Pastor Batterson states, it’s impossible for you to outgive God.  But, he quips, it’s sure fun trying!

The year National Community Church started, August turned into a very lean month.  After paying rent on the public school they used for services, only $400 remained for Mark’s salary and other expenses.  Yet, Mark felt the Holy Spirit prompting the church to start giving to missions.  As a result, Mark and his wife made a $50 investment.

Consequently, that’s where the blessing starts.  Small beginnings rather than millions of dollars.  Furthermore, the author emphasizes, if you lack a generous spirit, no amount of money changes your stance.  Mark concludes:

“Generosity starts right here, right now.  Don’t wait until you have enough, because enough will never be enough.  Give God the first fifty and see what happens!”

Today’s question: What heart issues do you face?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Abundance mentality vs. scarcity mentality”

About the author

Dave Henning

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