Under attack – someone you know

By Dave Henning / March 6, 2020

“Someone you know is under attack.  You may not know what to say.  You may not have resources to help.  But you have this: you have prayer.”- Max Lucado

“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.”- 1 Peter 5:6 (NLT)

In Chapter 6 (“The Power Posture”) of How Happiness Happens, Max Lucado comments on the Genesis account of Abraham’s intercession for the righteous people living in Sodom and Gomorrah.  Like a lone tree on the prairie, Pastor Lucado notes, Abraham’s faith in God positioned him between the people needing mercy and the God able to supply it.

Furthermore, Max observes, you’ve done what Abraham did, stood where Abraham stood.  Also, you’ve probably wondered, Does God listen?  Certainly, Abraham’s story provides reason for hope.  The back and forth between Abraham and God continued until they settled on the number of ten righteous.  Above all, Pastor Lucado underscores, God remained engaged and responsive, not miffed and put off.

Therefore, when we pray for each other, we enter God’s workshop.  We pick up a hammer and help Him accomplish His purposes.  Just like a son helping his earthly father.  Max explains:

“Our heavenly Father has invited us to be his partner too.  Dare we accept the invitation?  Our prayers unlock the storehouses of heaven.  The link between God’s goodness and your friends is your prayers.  When you pray, when you speak for the ones who need help to the One who can give it, something wonderful happens.”

In conclusion, Max exhorts, we possess the wonderful opportunity to pray in a heartfelt manner for every person we see.  However, it’s not necessary to tell these people of your intercessory prayer.  But, they just may welcome your offer.  And, to no one’s surprise, when we seek to bless others through our prayers, we receive blessing as well.

Today’s question: What Scriptures encourage you to pray for a friend under attack?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Boomerang effect – the act of praying for others”

About the author

Dave Henning

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