“This is where so many holy people break down . . . . As soon as they reach the point where they can no longer see the way and guide themselves by their own light, they refuse to go any further. . . . It is in the darkness that we find true liberty. It is in this abandonment that we are made strong. This is the night that empties us.”- Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation (1949)
“God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.”- Psalm 46:5 (ESV)
In Chapter 10 of In Want + Plenty, Meredith McDaniel talks about what to do when you find yourself fumbling around in the darkness. As you try to make sense of your emotions or your body’s reaction to specific circumstances, Meredith poses a question to ponder. She asks you to consider trusting God as the guiding light in your life.
As a result, when you trust God your whole being calms, no matter what circumstances you face. Because you find rest in God’s loving arms.
Furthermore, Meredith wonders, what if:
- the veil of the invisible was pulled back more often in our lives?
- we could see what’s usually unseen?
- we woke up to the manna in our midst?
Consequently, to do so we must take our eyes off the horizon. When that happens, we cease focusing so much on where we want to be. Instead, we pay attention to where we are. And, just like God provided daily manna for Israel, Meredith’s convinced He provides daily manna in our midst.
So, when darkness lingers, God, our guiding light, show us the way. The cloud shields us from the sun, while fire protects from darkness, states Walter Brueggemann. In conclusion, Meredith adds:
“God knows what we need more than we do. When we can take an honest look at where we are in life and admit we cannot do it alone, we will then be living out of a richness of freedom that only God can offer us. This requires having faith and trust in an invisible God who makes himself visible every day.”
Today’s question: What Scriptures restore when holy people break down? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “The waves of life – consume us?”