
Conflicts and issues – leave in Redeemer’s hands

“When we leave conflicts and issues in the Redeemer’s hands, He can make us better than we were.  We become stronger, wiser, and deeper.”- Phil Waldrep

“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse, you, pray for those who abuse you.”- Luke 6:27-28 (ESV)

In Chapter 9 of Beyond Betrayal, Phil Waldrep stresses that after a betrayal, we’re always better off doing things God’s way.  Yet, though we may think otherwise, Phil asserts that God doesn’t orchestrate betrayals to try to teach us something.  Instead, the author believes, God makes a bad situation better – if we leave things in His hands.  If we follow His precepts.

Certainly, we prefer that the betrayal never occurred.  And, Phil believes, God would prefer that as well.  But our betrayers acted in their God-given freedom, aka free will.  However, their choice fails to nullify God’s promises if we remain in His ways.

Consequently, if we do that, forgiving represents just the first step.  Riding on the coattails of that forgiveness is Jesus’ instruction to love our enemies.  Mr. Waldrep summarizes:

“If we want to free ourselves of the stigma of the betrayal, we need to forgive.  If we want to deliver our betrayer into the hands of God for Him to redeem them, we need to start loving them.  These things don’t come out of order.”

In Luke 6:26-27, Jesus used the word agape.  That means to want the best for your betrayer, even if they don’t reciprocate.  Furthermore, agape means seeking to bless them  – even if they still seek to hurt or deceive you.

Thus, in order to do this, you need to create emotional distance from what your betrayer did to you.  To establish a safe place for yourself from which to show love.

For every person, the situation differs.  You’ll need to test the tenderness of your wound.  So, only you know when your wound turns from scab to scar.  On the other hand, healing occurs when you confront your pain.

Today’s question: What best helps you leave conflicts and issues in the Redeemer’s hands?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Accepting the grace of God”

About the author 

Dave Henning

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