Jesus descended into the dirt

By Dave Henning / December 29, 2020

“In the actions, activities, and attitudes of His ministry among us, Jesus both embraced and restored all that was wrong with the creation.  In love, He did not abandon His creation to its destructive rebellion, but neither did He remove it from its earthly origins.  Jesus descended into the dirt, declaring it good again through His word and work.”- Rev. Jeffrey Leininger

As Rev. Jeffrey Leininger moves on in Chapter 4 of Callings for Life, he underscores the good news of the Gospel.  Certainly, that good news includes the truth that God saved us.  However, another crucial aspect exists.  The Gospel includes precisely what about us God saved.  Rev. Leininger adds:

“God redeemed the fullness of all that it means to be a human creature, including our earthly, physical existence. . . .  He redeemed us not by taking us out of this world or giving us release from the prison of earthy, fleshy existence.  Rather, God stepped into humanity, into creation, with the person and work of Jesus Christ, who was fully human as well as fully God.”

Jesus descended into the dirt – in direct contrast to Adam and Eve’s climb into sin.  Adam and Eve disdained creaturely contentment and sought the place of God.  However, Jesus set aside His divinity and sought the lowest place of humanity.

In conclusion, Rev. Leininger talks about our eternal life with God, and life in the meantime:

“There is much we do not know and cannot fully comprehend about our eternal life with God.  But what remains certain is that it will be as real as a meal shared, a loving hug, and tears of joyful reunion.  Jesus Christ will redeem, resurrect, and renew the dirt.

Until that time after time, Christians have their sinful bodies renewed in the life of Christ’s sanctified body, the ‘one holy Christian and apostolic church,’ as we say in the Nicene Creed. . . .  In all of this, and in the very act of salvation for us in Jesus Christ, God demonstrates the goodness of created, earthly, and earthy things.  God loves dirt, and redeemed it through the work of His Son.”

Today’s question: How do you respond to the fact that Jesus descended into the dirt and declared it good again?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Our strivings to be like God”

About the author

Dave Henning

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