Acquainted with the downward spiral?

By Dave Henning / January 3, 2021

“Are you acquainted with the downward spiral?  Convinced that no one cares, that no one can help you, hear you, or heed your call?  If you know the feeling, you aren’t alone.  That raw sense of isolation and powerlessness?  It’s not here to stay.  If you think it’s up to you and you ain’t much . . . John the apostle has some stories for you to ponder.”- Max Lucado

“And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.”- John 20:30-31 (NKJV)

In Chapter 1 (“We Can’t, but God Can”) of You are Never Alone: Trust in the Miracle of God’s Presence and Power, Max Lucado states that in his Gospel, John the apostle interwove a tapestry of miracles.  Because John wanted to discuss life-giving belief.  Faith that’s abundant, robust, and resilient.

Hence, Max underscores, life happens when we believe.  As a result, through life-giving belief, we:

  • find strength beyond our strength
  • accomplish tasks beyond our capacity
  • see solutions beyond our wisdom

Above all, Pastor Lucado stresses the true meaning of belief.  He writes:

“Belief is not some respectful salute to a divine being.  Belief happens when we place our confidence in God.  It is a decision to lean entirely upon the strength of a loving and living Savior.  To the extent we do, we will have ‘life in His name.’  This is the purpose of the miracles.  John recounted signs, each one intended to stir conviction in this promise:  you and I are never, ever alone.”

In conclusion, Max emphasizes our need to take great care to see those signs in the way the apostle John designed them.  As samples from God’s playbook.  Not as entries in a history book.

Today’s question:  When have you found yourself acquainted with the downward spiral?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog:  the annotated bibliography of Callings for Life: God’s Plan, Your Purpose

About the author

Dave Henning

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