An unafraid and untroubled heart

By Dave Henning / July 7, 2022

“The only way a heart can ever be unafraid and untroubled is for it to be undivided.  Why beg God to divide seas for me if my heart for Him is divided? . . .  Why do I expect God to make a way if I’m often going my own way? – Ann Voskamp

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”- Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)

In Chapter 8 (“Into the Storm”) of WayMaker, Ann Voskamp underscores that, regardless of whatever else life brings, Christ brings us shalom.  Therefore, peace isn’t a place.  Rather, peace is always a Person: Jesus.

Hence, restless, searching people ultimately yearn for shalom, shalom.  The seeking beat of the human hearts.  A SACRED way of being that reroutes into a new way of being.  And every step of the Red Sea Road leads out of bondage to bonding with God.  The SACRED way of life — stillness, attentiveness, cruciformity, revelation, examine, doxology.

Furthermore, Ann sees the concept that Christ brings shalom together as ultimately the prophetic moment.  And the answer to our every prayer and dream.  In addition, even when we fail to see it, God works and makes the way to a Person – Jesus.  Not to a place.  As a result, Ann exhorts:

“Hie is not a small, far-off distant God but a God who comes near to carry you the distance, to whisper secret hopes in your ear and cut the fears down small, the God who talks through time.  The Word spoke in ways that moved the world and it is still speaking in ways that move through the world.”

In conclusion, Ann sums up peace isn’t found in:

  • a place on a map or in a place in our imagination or dreams
  • arriving at any place in the cosmos
  • any present, peaceful circumstances
  • getting somewhere

Instead, you find peace in giving your life to Someone – Jesus.

Today’s question: What Bible verses help sustain an unafraid and untroubled heart?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: “Uniforms that reveal identity – habits”

About the author

Dave Henning

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