“So if you’ve dropped the baton of living out your faith and transferring it to those in your sphere of influence, there’s still hope. Rather than seeing you walk off the track of your life in defeat, God wants to restore you from the failures of yesterday to the victory of tomorrow. You can still cross the finish line of life a winner.”- Dr. Tony Evans
In Chapter 8 (“The Patriarchs, Men Who Left a Legacy”) of Kingdom Heroes, Dr. Tony Evans stresses a key outcome when we choose to live as kingdom heroes. Our impact. Thus, through your impact you recognize the opportunity you possess to leave a positive imprint on those around you. To influence and affect those around you for God’s glory and the good of others.
Therefore, God gave clear directions (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) on how to transfer the values of His kingdom to others. And how to raise a future generation of kingdom heroes. Above all, this practice requires intention, not perfection.
In conclusion, Dr. Evans underscores, in a relay race it’s critical whether and how runners pass the baton. Hence, relay races also involve legacy because runners transfer an essential tool to the next racer on the journey. All to reach an agreed-upon destiny and goal.
As a child, Tony loved duckpin bowling. However, the machinery used to reset the pins sometimes failed to work properly. As a result, a man walked from lane to lane and manually reset the pins. But you never saw his face – only his feet. Dr. Evans observes:
“If sin and circumstances have knocked you over, causing you to drop the baton of transferring a living faith to advance God’s kingdom agenda to the next generation, I have great news for you. The invisible God is going from life to life, ready to pick up the fallen pieces of yours and set them straight again, so you can roll on to spiritual victory as a kingdom hero intent on leaving a kingdom legacy.”
Today’s question: What Bible verses pick you up when you’ve dropped the baton? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Shaky in your faith right now?”
Coming Tuesday: the November Short Meditation, “Let my restless soul be still”