“Knowing your moment matters. Knowing where you are in the story is critical for your survival. Every moment is not like another. . . . Jesus wants you to know where you are.”- John Eldredge
“You fools! You know how to interpret the weather signs of the earth and sky, but you don’t know how to interpret the present times.”- Luke 12:56 (NLT)
In Chapter 2 (“Where are We? What’s Happening?”) of Resilient, John Eldredge opens with a story about John Muir. In 1857, a blizzard trapped Muir and a companion on the 14,142-foot summit of Mount Shasta. However, on his ascent, Muir, a seasoned mountaineer, took careful note of prominent mountain features. As a result, he used those landmarks to guide his party down safely.
But when we’re young, Mr. Eldredge notes, time seemed transcendent. One summer felt like it could go on forever. As we mature, though, we come to see our days as a mere breath. Thus, time races by like it had a flight to catch. Because stories march toward a climax, we need to find our bearings.
Consequently, John counsels, when you’re lost, the first thing you must do is stop. Even if it takes some time. For it’s counterproductive to panic and run off in hopeless directions – or simply slog on. For that only makes the situation that much more dire.
So, when things get hot, rather than freak out, keep your cool in order to make good decisions. Therefore, John advises, get your head back in the story God is telling.
Above all, the author exhorts, remember that the battle is for the narrative. Who gets to frame the story for you? God or someone else?
In conclusion, John offers these words of encouragement:
“My reality is not determined by pandemics, politics, or anything else. I live in God, he lives in me. His goodness is with me today, and my future is absolutely wonderful.”
Today’s question: What Bible verses help you in knowing your moment matters? Please share.
Tomorrow’s blog: “Only hope out of heartache”