A fundamental test of our allegiance

By Dave Henning / January 23, 2023

“At certain pivotal moments in our lives we face a choice, a test.  Sometimes these choices are a simple test of faith. . . .  But there are moments when the test is critical. . . .  These crossroads are more than a trial of faith; they are a fundamental test of our allegiance.”- John Eldredge

“Remember Lot’s wife!  Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.”- Luke 17:32-33 (NIV)

In Chapter 10 (“Hold On”), the final chapter of Resilient, John Eldredge observes that we often miss the critical nature of our choice.  Especially when we feel tired and distracted.  Because this creates vulnerable moments for our hearts, as our circumstance causes us to miss the implications of our choice.

Hence, John comments on the Old Testament account of Lot’s wife turning into a pillar of salt.  Most significantly, the Hebrew word for looked back means so much more than that.  It means that she ‘gave her attention,’ ‘regarded.’ or ‘depended’ on Sodom.  Therefore, the account of Lot’s wife serves as a tragic tale of divided allegiance.  And the power of this world to trap the human heart.

Lot’s wife thought she’d lose everything, so she turned back.  Above all, John counsels, this thought hits closer to home than we might think.  Because, at first, all change feels like loss.

However, in spite of our ties to the past, Jesus urges us not to look back.  To possess no divided hearts, no divided allegiances.

In conclusion, the author advises:

‘The double-mindedness is revealed when we only sort of want God.  Our longing for life to be good again becomes the test we hold up against God — if he seems to be helping, wonderful.  We believe.  If he doesn’t, well . . . we’re going to chase whatever we think will fill our longing and get back to God sometime down the road. . . .

We must, we must . . . choose single-heartedness, where we desire Jesus above everything else — above all our other ‘lovers,’ our fake Edens, our passing comforts.”

Today’s question: What Scriptures help us pass a fundamental test of our allegiance?  Please share.

Tomorrow’s blog: the annotated bibliography of Resilient

About the author

Dave Henning

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